Sunday, October 08, 2006


Cure your body with foods that can heal

Thanks to new research, it is becoming clear that specific foods have specific healing properties and can be used in prevention or cure of certain human maladies. Just as in medicine you have antidepressants, tranquilisers, and stimulants, in alternative medicine, you have specific foods, and herbs that can alter your mood and ability to think — not as dramatically as drugs but a lot more safely.

You must have heard of chamomile tea, which is known to induce relaxation. It can also be used as a tranquiliser because of its ability to promote sound sleep. Caffeine is a well-known stimulant. It keeps you alert and focused. But don’t go beyond two cups a day. Another good way to stimulate your powers of concentration is to eat fewer calories on the day you want to be more alert. Eating fewer calories is good for your waistline and helps you think better and more clearly.

Beetroot: Its juice is a potent liver cleanser. It helps to purify the blood and removes toxins. When taken along with carrot juice, it helps promote a normal menstrual cycle. Raw beetroot juice leads to normal bowel movements and prevents constipation. It helps strengthen the blood vessels, and improves blood circulation, removes clots and also reduces cholesterol. In its raw juice form, it is highly recommended. You could combine one beetroot with two carrots and one tomato.

Raddish: It is an excellent remedy for thinning mucous, clearing sinuses, blocked nose, mucous related migraine etc. Raw raddish can be grated or chopped and chewed. It also helps to reduce gas formation and indigestion. Some people have a low level of stomach acids and get flatulence on consuming non-vegetarian foods. Raddish helps prevent such indigestion. It also helps reduce phlegm and corrects sore throat due to phlegm. Raddish has a cooling thermal nature. In the summer season, some people exhibit heat signs like nosebleeds or headache or skin rash. Raddish juice helps to correct such disorders. Its juice helps in detoxification and cleanses the body. If you want its mucous reducing benefits you can eat 2-3 raddish daily either grated or chopped. You can even extract its juice. But this tends to be very pungent.

Watermelon: It has a cooling effect on the body. It is a natural diuretic. It helps to reduce edema, treat urinary tract infections, and corrects constipation. Watermelon is high potassium and low in sodium. It is highly beneficial in reducing blood pressure. The seeds of watermelon can also be chewed to eliminate constipation. They are rich in iron and benefit those who are anaemic.

Watermelon is also very beneficial in treating depression and excessive thirst. Two medium sized bowls can be consumed daily by people having above mentioned problems. However those who are thin, weak and have ‘wind’ problems should not eat it. Those who have bladder problems and cannot control urination should also avoid it. When consuming these foods for their therapeutic benefits, you should make appropriate dietary and lifestyle changes to get their maximum healing benefits.

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